A SEX attacker who raped a woman as she slept has been jailed for more than four years.

Howkari Mustafai preyed on his victim at his flat at St Mungo Place, Townhead, after she told him she wasn't interested in him.

Originally from Iran, Mustafai denied the attack and claimed the woman was lying in her evidence.

But, he was convicted last month at the High Court in Glasgow.

Passing a sentence of four years and three months on November 26, judge Johanna Johnston QC told the 28-year-old: "After trial the jury convicted you of the rape of a young woman.

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"You took advantage of her when she was asleep, in evidence she told the court she had made it clear to you earlier in the evening that she was not interested in any sexual contact with you.

"The sexual offence of which you have been convicted is very serious and it's clear that the young woman was affected and upset by your behaviour."

Mustafai was put on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.

Solicitor advocate Kate Phillips said: "Mr Mustafai's position remains that he did not commit this offence."

Miss Phillips said Mustafai was granted British citizenship in 2016.

She added that her client looks after his teenage brother and doesn't know what he will do while he is in prison.