RESIDENTS living in the West End of Glasgow have voiced frustration over delays to recycling uplifts, which they say have left tenement back courts strewn with rubbish.

One of the areas affected is Lyndhurst Gardens in North Kelvinside, however delays have been reported in other areas including Rosslyn Terrace, Kirklee Terrace, Clouston Lane and Queen Margaret Drive.

A message on the council website apologised for delays for refuse collection.

Some of the properties in Lyndhurst Gardens are factored by Partick Housing Association, which has changed its arrangements for the emptying of the blue recycling bins in the Partick area.

It is one of the first housing association to pilot a scheme that requires tenants to pay an additional fee to have their bins taken in and out their back courts by a private contractor before they are emptied by the council.

The council has said if the scheme is successful it could be rolled out across the city.

Read more: Anger over bill for new pull out bin service in Glasgow 

Partick Housing Association said Lyndhurst Gardens was not among the flats piloting the scheme and it remained the council’s responsibility to pull bins out

Partick HA said there has been problem with the scheme because some bins that have been pulled through to the kerbside are not being emptied in time to be returned to the back courts by the contractors.

One resident, who lives in Lyndhurst Gardens, said: “There was a real problem with rubbish when we were using the bin chutes at the back of the flats.

“The council started putting large industrial bins out on the street and it’s made a real difference to the cleanliness of the back courts.

“I feel as if we are back to square one now because the blue recycling bins are jam packed and overflowing.”

Read more: Drop in missed bin collection complaints says council 

Another resident, who lives in Lyndoch Place, said: “All the bins there are constantly overflowing (there were 39 at last count) and it has become a fly tipping hotspot.

“We’ve reported it in numerous occasions and it’s no sooner cleared than it builds up again.”

Keiron Harris, who lives on South Woodside Road said: “My blue bin has been full for about 8 weeks. I put it out regularly, I complain regularly and i always get an automated response saying that my bin has been emptied - but it hasnt.

A council spokesman said: “A council spokesman said: “During a recent, local reorganisation of our resources, we unfortunately missed a scheduled uplift of recycling bins at this address (Lyndhurst Gardens.)

“We apologise for this missed bin collection.

“The council makes over 21 million household bin collections each year and over 99 per cent of these collections are completed as scheduled.

 “Recently there has been a significant expansion of the ‘pull-through’ scheme with Partick HA and generally the new system is settling in well.

“We are in regular contact with the housing association and so we can quickly address any issues.


“We are not aware of any issues with blue bins as part of the ‘pull-through’ programme.”