Drunk tarot reader put a spell on me and now bad things are happening...

Dear Janice, I was coerced into a tarot card reading at a party, and was told that some doom and gloom would happen, which was unexpected because my life was great.

At the end of the reading, this drunk woman said she didn’t like my aura and that she’d put a spell on me.

We laughed it off, but since then I’ve lost my bank card, smashed my mobile and I’ve sprained my ankle. Surely all these things can’t be a coincidence?

I want to pay this woman a visit and ask her to take the spell off me, but my friend said I should wait and hope my luck changes.

What do you think? Charlene.


Dear Charlene, whether you believed the reading or not, it has certainly got to you, so you could say her spell worked!

At the end of the party everyone was drunk, and alcohol changes perspectives and mindsets, so take her dislike of you and her spell with a pinch of salt.

If you focus on negative things, negative things happen, but I bet if you look back there will have been good things too.

Ignore this intoxicated tarot reading stranger, who no doubt had a laugh at your expense and a kick out of playing the power card for the night.

Stay well clear and don’t give her the satisfaction of knowing she has upset you.

Instead, make your own spells (positive affirmations), and get on with your happy life.


Dear Janice, when I met my fiancee, I was very open about the fact I didn’t want more children as I have a daughter from a previous relationship. Years after, I had a vasectomy.

Initially, my fiancee said she imagined she would have children, but agreed we could happily have a future with just my daughter.

We get married in August and I am wondering if she is having doubts, because I overheard her tell her friend that she might have a baby one day.

When questioned, she said she was telling her friend what she wanted to hear, nothing more.

But I’m not so sure. John.


Dear John, I’m relieved she is your fiancee and not yet your wife, because you could both be walking up the aisle into a quagmire of emotional turmoil.

Compromise is key in all relationships, but foregoing having a child shouldn’t be one of them.

For many women, maternal instinct is inborn, so whilst agreeing not to have a baby, her emotions could overspill in years to come. Every time she sees a baby, or hears of a friend’s pregnancy, she may well long for it to be her.

This could destroy your marriage, therefore seek out couples counselling before your big day.

Your fiancee loves your daughter but step-parenting is different from parenting. So please address this before it’s too late.


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