GLASGOW'S health board is raising awareness around second-hand smoking and the impact it has on people across hospitals.

After the No Smoking Policy was introduced by the Scottish Government, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) reminded people the law was put in place to reduce the risks and effects of second-hand smoke.

The health board is committed to promoting the policy as second-hand smoke can have significant health implications for those who have breathing problems, heart issues and certain types of cancers, as it contains more than 4000 irritants and toxins.

Joris van der Horst, consultant respiratory physician at NHSGGC, said: “When you smoke, it is not just your own health that is being put at risk, but also the health of those around you.

“We know hospitals are used by people who are especially vulnerable to the harms of second-hand smoke, and the Scottish Government has introduced new legislation that creates a 15-metre non-smoking zone around our NHS hospital buildings that will hopefully reduce exposure to second-hand smoke for all of our patients, staff and visitors.”

He added: “If you have to smoke, please move away from our entrances and exits and help us protect everyone coming into our hospitals."