A GLASGOW DJ has helped an aspiring artist with cerebral palsy live out their dream by giving them a nightclub experience.

Stuart McLean, 39 from Parkhead, first started DJing in 1998 at 14 when he performed in front of a crowd of 30 for his first gig. 

Now after spending over 25 years in the industry and playing most of Glasgow's festivals and clubs, he has turned to passing his knowledge onto the next generation of DJs by starting DJ Skool.

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Glasgow Times: Stuart McLean (left) and Fraser Somerville Stuart McLean (left) and Fraser Somerville (Image: Stuart McLean)

Based at Crossmill Business Park in Barrhead, Stuart teaches a programme that helps people learn to become a DJ in a 12-week programme with many people getting their first gigs at a venue called, Club Late. 

One of his students, Fraser Somerville, 20, has cerebral palsy. He struggles to use his arms and legs with him having to communicate through his computer. 

The 20-year-old, from Giffnock, has always wanted to be a DJ and thanks to a technology that allows him to control a computer with his eyes he has been able to practice his dream. 

Speaking about the talent and passion Fraser has, Stuart said: "Fraser uses a programme called Virtual DJ and all we had to do was get Fraser to download it onto his machine.

"From then I put music onto his machine and away we went with me able to teach him the ins and outs of the industry.

"Obviously at the start, it took a bit of time for us to get used to it as Fraser controls it with his eyes, meaning that he can't physically touch a deck like other people. 

"But after a few weeks away he went and he picked up everything really fast, with him able to create his own songs by controlling the cursor with his eyes and then creating his tracks.

"He is very talented and picks up everything I teach him very fast. We have created a strong bond together and it is amazing seeing him achieve his dream."

Glasgow Times:

Recently, Fraser performed at The Garage nightclub to a crowd that was roughly between 150 to 200 people, an experience that Stuart described as incredible to see. He added that Fraser "smashed it" when it came to getting the crowd going

With other DJs, Stuart can act as a comfort blanket by standing beside them in case anything goes wrong and he can step in. 

However, with Fraser, he can't as everything is on his machine and is controlled with his eyes meaning that the 20-year-old DJ is in sole control.

His personal assistant, Jacqueline Dornan who has helped Fraser since he was five said that he practices at home all the time.

Glasgow Times: Fraser Somerville when he was little Fraser Somerville when he was little (Image: Supplied)

Fraser has said that he looks at Stuart as not only his teacher but a good friend for life as he outlines his passion for being a DJ.

He said: "I have always had a passion for music. 

"I didn't think that it would ever be possible to be given a chance to become a DJ due to my disability. 

"Doing this gives me a lot of independence to do what I love to do. 

"I love to go to DJ Skool every Tuesday because Stuart teaches me new skills."

Fraser went on to say: "Also, he had helped me gain a lot of confidence which I didn't think I had.

"Not only do I see him as a DJ coach but he is a really good friend for life.

"I love how music brings everyone together in harmony no matter who they are."